Late Night Chatter
My Mind Is The Clear Sky
Have you ever had one too many thoughts to think at night?
I did last night, and I didn’t realize that was the case until my friend Casie and I set up for an evening restorative yoga class… and instead of a mind ready to rest, I found a head full of thoughts that bounced, chatted, dreamed, and buzzed about.
Sometimes that’s the gift of yoga… it provides an awareness of your own headspace.
So I became curious, like finding shapes in clouds, elephants, pirate ships, Gandolf’s face, UFOs,... you know, the wondrous realm of the sky. It’s a self-aware task to inquire rather than frustrate oneself over the existence of a busy mind. So I wanted to know - what was there to observe, what stories was I telling, what was taking up space?
Sometimes it is harder to be curious than this sounds because what is passing through is more akin to a thunderstorm than a fluffy collection of cumulus clouds. This thought-storm reveals pent up and strong emotion. Even still, if you can allow inquiry as if from an observer, or a storm-chaser, you are gifting yourself a resolution and a live update of your own psyche.
Your mind is the clear sky. Your thoughts the clouds, the storms.
Let your thoughts pass through. Let them inform you and move through you.